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7 Powerful Questions to Close Every Sale

Master sales closers ask one minute, one liner closing statements that close the sale instantly.  The top 7 such questions are: "What could I do to help you to go ahead?"   If the customer says, "Nothing" you say, "Why?"  The customer then answers, and you overcome the objection and close the sale "Do you see yourself getting into this?" If he asks you how to get into this, you give him the details and close the sale.  " Would it be okay if I outline what we need to do to get that under-way? "   This is the most direct way, you simply give him the details and close the sale. "Which choice fits in best with what you had in mind?"   Whatever choice the customer chooses you got the sale "If I could show you a way that will address your concern, you would go ahead, wouldn't you?"   This direct method addresses their concern. "How does that fit in with what you had in mind?"   This question forces h

Selling With a Difference

Before you can sell anything to anybody, do you yourself have the conviction in what you are selling?  Will you buy what you are selling? There is no difference in selling to a corporate or a consumer: we are all selling to human beings. The 8 basic principles of selling:  Never treat your customers as people that pay you, treat them as people that you pay them. Or course we don't pay customers money but we must definitely  pay attention to their needs or we won't get paid.   Look at sal es objections as points of concern and opportunities for you to help them : the customer is asking you for help.  If you have the compassion and kindness, you will welcome objections, for they give you a chance to serve them It's better to contact customers even if you have nothing to update them or sell to them. Out of sight means out of mind.  In today's world, cyber contact is more prevalent than physical contact.  Whenever salespeople become complacent, introduce  competition

Being Tough and Feared are Two Different Things

For decades, businesses have been trying to discover the formula for the 'perfect' manager.  There are tons of books, blog posts and editorial articles out there, and even training courses on  how to be a better manager .  While I cannot claim to have unlocked the secret theory of management, discussions with bosses and managers since 1987 revealed the following 5 traits of a 'perfect' manager: 1. Know How to Be Tough Many managers are know to be tough to themselves, tough to their customers and sub-contractors and even tough to their families but soft on their team members. The reason is the lack of people working due to the tight labour market and the ban on foreign workers in many industries.  As a result, managers are too pleasing and let the subordinates climb over their heads.  On the other hand, there are some managers that are too tough that they become abusive, aggressive and hated by people.  Such managers end up with zero staff and have to work till midn

Predicting Outcome of War using Sun Tzu 8 Questions

In the current war between IS and the rest of the world, I can safely predict the losing side to be IS. This is because I learnt from Sun Tzu's Art of War that to forecast the outcome of a war between two teams, we can ask the following 8 questions: Which leader possesses greater moral influence?  Put it in another way, which leader is one that you want to follow from your conscience?  Which leader is more capable ? Which team holds more favourable conditions in climate and ground?  This may mean asking which team has better ground support and favourable external factors ? On which team are visions and instructions better communicated and implemented? Which team has superiority in its team's mind?  Sun Tzu considered the mind, not fighting tools, as the most powerful weapon On which team are the management and field staff better trained? Which team has more discipline ? Which team has better compensation, rewards and penalty systems? LEADERSHIP WITH SUN TZU&

Managing People with a Difference

It starts with your values - do you instill values of team rewards, problem solving and caring? There is no difference in managing a small team or big team, the basic principles are the same: Never Manage People like Your Children , instead care for them as if they were your children  In dealing with conflicts, always look at common interests , not different positions It's better to have weekly gathering or meetings, even if there is no issue to discuss. Fellowship is important for bonding   Whenever people become complacent, introduce competition in the team. Competition makes people better and gives the young ones equal chance of success  A good manager leads by inspiration , not instructions  Leadership is not about who has the authority, but who people go to whenever they are stuck. The problem is most managers don't know or don't care if their team members are stuck  When you have a team of high performers, you either promote them fast or they will exit fa

The 7 Winning Sales Strategies to Increase Sales by 79%

Without lowering your price and spending more advertising, we coach and teach our clients how to increase their sales by 79% in a year with the following 7 Winning Sales Strategies: Tiered Incentive for the Team , whereby the sales team will be incentivised for their efforts, both direct and indirect efforts. Their manager too will be rewarded when their team does well, like given a matching commission.  For example, if the salesperson earns 4% commission, the managers is getting 20% of that 4%.  If the sales team achieve a higher level of sales, their commission too will be step-up. Step-up Incentives for Customers for staying with the company (Loyalty bonus), pre-pay bulk purchase (but delivered over time) and incentives for introducing customers Weekly Training for the Sales Team , coupled with mid-week one-to-one coaching Increase Average Dollar Sale , primarily with bundled selling, up-selling, cross-selling, add-on sale and down sell.  For the 36 stratagems on this, read

You Don't Need Permission to Do a Good Job

In our training classes (listing at  here ), people often ask me permission to do things like asking questions, sharing of experiences and even going to the toilets. I often told them, "You can do anything you like in my classes, including scolding me, as long as you pay your fees".  That inevitably draws chuckles from them.  We are unlike the Americans, who have never asked permission for anything.  They just go ahead and to it.  That's why Nike's slogan is "Just Do It".  If this is Asia, it would be "Ask Permission First".  Psychologists said that people feel the need to ask for permission because they don't want to be seen as aggressive or outshining others.  Some people go one step lower: fearing that their permission will not be granted, they dare not even ask for permission.  Such behaviour explains why many people are living below their potential.  You can see it everywhere like: Subordinates dare not do better than their boss Sal

Living In Your Dreams or Living Your Dreams?

Are you living your dreams or are you living in your dreams? Many people get motivated when they are fulfilling their dreams. There are those that live in their dreams every day.  They are always hoping for a better tomorrow. Successful people do not live in their dreams. They make their dreams happen. They are living their dreams every day. Whether you are now working for people or working for yourself, if you too want to get more out of your life, you need to watch this video by Kim Hui, one of the most successful trainers in business America. HOW TO START & SUCCEED IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Your No-Fear Guide to Being an Entrepreneur Now Date   :   26-Apr-16 ,  7 to 9 pm (Thur) Venue :  The Plaza 02-346 7500A Beach Rd    Investment : $20  each,  $15 each for 2 and above. $10 each for 5 and above Many people get into business to make money. 99.99% of people want to be a millionaire. Successful people have financial freedom and like what they are doing.

道天地将法 Way to Negotiation Success

By applying  Sun Tzu  Art of War's 5 Elements of   道天地将法 , we can improve our negotiation easily in this order as follows: Purpose 道:  The purpose of your negotiation is not to get the best deal for yourself, nor is it to squeeze your customer or supplier.  Sun Tzu said the highest ground shall be your purpose, so in business our purpose of negotiating is to have a  long term win-win relationship .  Because if we are only interested in one-off deal, we don't need to negotiate, we just adopt a 'take it or leave it' attitude.   Boundaries 天 : Know your boundaries, i.e. your limits, what you can give and what are  absolutely non-negotiable, like your integrity.    Details 地 : The devil is in the details, never leave details to another day, for it is only at the negotiation table that you have the opportunity to get what you want, including the details. Always minute down the details for you cannot rely on faint memory.  Lead   将.   Yes, you have to lead the negotiat

The 23 Words that Make China Rich and Famous

The man who changed China forever and make it strong and rich again must be the late Deng Xiao Ping.  His most famous quote was, "I don't care if it is a white cat or black cat, as long as the cat catches mice, it is a good cat".   How do you apply this master principle to your business, career and life? It doesn't matter if you work in a big company or small company, most importantly it must be a good company FOR YOU Whatever business you are in, whatever structure it is in, be it direct selling, chain selling, no selling, internet selling, hard selling or soft selling, it must be a REAL PROFITABLE BUSINESS WITH REAL SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Whether you are managing people or being managed by people, you have to MANAGE YOUR CAREER WELL Whichever candidate you select, at the end of the day, you have to ensure that this is the RIGHT CANDIDATE FOR YOU. Whether you read this post, forward this post or re-post this post, you have to APPLY IT.   By Andy Ng of Asia T