People in Singapore are willing to spend $3,000 to attend a 2-days course but unwilling to invest $300 for a 2-hour coaching session. Is coaching really just a MNC thing and local companies consider coaching as a waste of money? In reality, people know the value of coaching, they just have not found the right coach... Common Questions and Answers on Coaching: 1. What is the difference between coaching and mentoring ? To me, ignoring academic definitions, I go for the practical approach. Coaching and mentoring are the same except that the mentor is a person that is more senior, more knowledgeable and more experienced than the mentee. But a coach can know less than a coachee and still coach him. This is because coaching is not about teaching people what they don't know but digging out what they know and getting them to take action on what they know. For example, we all know about the benefits of regular exercise. So we don't need a coach to tell us why exer...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: