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Showing posts with the label Make a Difference

Differentiate or Die: The '8 Minus 5' Ways to Differentiate

Tom Peters said, "The surplus economy has too many similar companies employing similar people, coming up with similar ideas, and producing similar products and services at similar quality and similar prices".  Just look at the smartphone market now and you'll know what Peters is talking about.  In fact, knowing this will explain why Samsung's Galaxy phones are not selling well this year (more at here ). If that is the case, how do we differentiate successfully?  From Jack Trout's best-selling book " Differentiate or Die ", there are 7 ways to differentiate unsuccessfully: Creative Advertising is never a differentiating idea . This is because customers want information, not news Quality is rarely a differentiating idea .  These days quality is a given, not a difference. Even if your quality is good, how long can you sustain it in the face of onslaught from hungry competitors who come up with better and more advance features?  A good example is S...

No Different from the Rest and Yet is Different

Everything in business starts and ends with sales, so all salespeople must be selling or they are simply redundant.  I f you don't make a difference to your customer, you are no different from other salespeople in the market, and customers will not choose you.   Making a Difference (MD, not MAD) is  not about offering the lowest price at the highest quality and the fastest delivery .  Nor is the MD Salesperson providing the best entertainment, for you are not an entertainer.  It is also not about you providing the most service, especially services that are way beyond the core of what you're doing.  This is because a salesperson is NOT a Service Provider, but a Service Provider that Sells.     There are 7 ways that you can make a difference to your customers: Adding Value to Customers Even When They Don't Buy .   Giving Referrals to your Customers Help the Customer to Save Money, Time and Energy  Make the Customer and his...