(This article was first written in April 2014. This is the original un-censored version. The edited version has been selected and published in The Straits Times on 14 March 2015 page R2 Recruit Section) People are more capable than what you think. Whether you are dealing with your staff, customers, suppliers, contractors or children, you should adopt an open mind and do not limit people's capabilities. Currently you may see low performance, but understand that such performance is determined by causes and conditions set before. Once the causes and conditions change, performance will change . For example, Japan's economy has, since 1992, on a decline phase and till today 2015, it has not recovered to its glory days of 1980s. This is because of the causes and conditions that Japan has, chief among them is its closed door immigration policy that limits foreign talents. If Japan were to change its immigration policy and attract talents li...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com