The dumbest idea in the world must be to think that you are the problem. The smartest idea in the world must be to separate people from the problem. All the world's wars are created when people think that people are the problem, when in fact there is a problem in people. When you lump people with their problem, you become personal in your dealings with them. Like when a service staff is rude to me, I make personal attacks if I think the staff is the problem, when in fact it is the service of the staff that is the problem. The wisest idea in the world is to firstly see ourselves as not our problems . If not, how can we solve any problem in the world? The second step to solving any problem must be to know the root cause of the problem, followed by finding the solution to the problem. The fourth and final step is to solve the problem. If you too want to make your Chinese New Year holidays meaningful, put in good food for your brain. Come for this r...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: