Numbers and Occupations As we know, different numbers can be good for certain careers. The fastest way that numbers are manifested in our lives is in mobile numbers. To know what are those numbers that we mentioned below, email to me at or WhatsApp me Andy at +65 93672286 1. Creative trades: need Wugui numbers 2. Stable industries, supportive roles, fixed regular hours: Fuwei numbers 3. Trades that require good skills, professionalism and leadership: Yannian 4. Trades that need to work late and long hours, deal with overseas, IT, fortune-telling, new things: Wugui 5. Female-related trades, beauty, aesthetic, design, detailed and patient service, professional service: Liusha numbers 6. Industries that need long hours, investment, hard work, self-sacrifice, loyalty: Jueming 7. Be your own boss and jack of all trades: Tianyi 8. Trades that make people happy, service, solve people's problems: Shengqi 9. Trades that talk a lot: Huohai 10. Very career-minded and...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: