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Showing posts with the label Presentation

How to Walk on Fire and Don't Get Burnt

You have experienced this before: in front of many high level people, you have to face the music and make a daring proposal. This could be a management restructuring meeting or some meetings where you have some tough proposals to push through. You know that the audience will question you hard, challenge you fiercely and even reprimand you for what you are presenting. Yet you have no choice and have to continue the job. We call this Walk on Fire at the Workplace. Indeed many people think that walking on fire will get your feet burnt. Yet anyone that has done some fire walking (on hot embers or stones) will tell you that if you do the right things, your feet will not get burnt. This is because fire-walking has been practised by many people and cultures in all parts of the world, with the earliest known reference dating back to Iron Age India around 1,200 BCE. It is often used as a rite of passage, as a test of an individual's strength and courage, or in religion as a test o...

How to Present so that People will Welcome You like a Present

Whether you are in sales, management, operations, finance, administration, engineering or IT, you cannot run away from presentation.  A presentation is an opportunity for you to show people what you have so that they will buy you and buy what you sell.  And we are all selling all the time, the biggest sale would be to sell ideas.   A presentation is not a pitch, it is a give and take exchange .  This is an opportunity for you to 'switch heads' or exchange information with your audience, which can range from one person to a thousand.  The goal is for you to fully understand your audience situation so that you can tailor-make a product, service or idea to them. Even if you are not good in presentation, you need to avoid doing the 3 things that make people resent what you present: Irrelevant information Information not customized to the audience Boring presentation.  That's why they call 'bored to death'! On the other hand, there are 7 keys to pres...