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Showing posts with the label WeChat

Your Top Questions on WeChat Answered

Your Top Questions on WeChat Answered 1. Do I have to use WeChat when I am already a lot into WhatsApp? The purpose of WeChat is to reach out to new markets, the people that you cannot find on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, LinkedIn and WhatsApp.  The people from China cannot use any of the Western social media tools (other than LinkedIn).  They only use WeChat.  So if you want to reach out to them, you have no choice but to use WeChat 2. How Do I Replicate the Success of my Facebook on WeChat? Just copy and paste your Facebook posts into WeChat with 2 changes: use Chinese words on top of English words, and to trim your article to no more than 350 words 3. How Do I Market on WeChat? You have to use Moments-Chats-Broadcast and Group chats, in this order 4. People are now using Tik Tok.  Is WeChat outdated? WeChat has a Tik Tok pure video feed, called Channels.   But WeChat Channels allow you to post up to 30 minutes long videos , which is 3 times longer than Tik...

Why Is it So Difficult to Use WeChat in Singapore?

Yes, we know that there are many difficulties to overcome when you use WeChat outside China.  Many people from China could not understand this, and they often find it difficult to use WeChat with us. This chapter looks at all of the difficulties and the solutions: 1.   People outside China, especially Singapore, use WeChat very infrequently .   Most use it at most once or twice a week, and many don’t even use it for months. We know that if you don’t use WeChat for more than 3 months, your account will be blocked and many people don’t know how to unblock it.   Besides, friend requests in WeChat has a 3-days validity, so infrequent usage makes it difficult to increase your friends 2.   Bias against China and anything from China .   Because of years of influence by the Western media, especially Facebook, Google and the media, many people I know view anything from China with a negative bias.   If the things from China are good (eg phones very lasting),...

Changing Your WeChat ID: Is It Possible?

Your WeChat ID (Identity) is unique to you. It is NOT your WeChat name, nor is it your WeChat password or your WeChat alias. Your WeChat ID is independent of the mobile number that you link to your WeChat account. It also has nothing to do with the email or QQ account that you linked it to. In China, your WeChat ID contains much information and is used in replacement of your Identity Card in many cities including Shenzhen. When you first open your WeChat account, t he company will assign you a computer code ID. You can easily change this computer to an ID that is easy for people to identify you and also easy for you to remember. For example, my WeChat ID is ‘AndyNgCoach’. What is yours? Your WeChat ID can only be changed once Some people, for various reasons, want to change their WeChat ID for a second time. This is not possible. If you really want to change your WeChat ID, you have no choice but to delete your existing WeChat account. Steps to delete your WeChat acco...

The 13 Ways to Advertise on WeChat

We all know that WeChat users are mostly people from China and they  use WeChat 5 times an hour daily, more than 3 hours a day and often buy goods and services via WeChat.  That’s why many people want to advertise on WeChat. But WeChat is very different from Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google.   You just cannot advertise the way you do on the other tools.   There are 13 ways that you can advertise on WeChat: 1.       Incur at least US$20,000 to Tencent Holdings , the company that owns WeChat.  Tencent will, base on your target market, do a Moments broadcast to selected WeChat members .  You can specify who and where you want to target, like target the Shanghainese or the China people in Singapore.  Many Singapore companies including Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Tourism Board and Kaplan Education have been using paid WeChat advertising for years and are getting good results 2.       Register...

31 Reasons to Use WeChat

31 Reasons to Use WeChat Many people resisted using WeChat. Why use another app when WhatsApp and Facebook are so good already?  There are 31 reasons to use WeChat: 1.   We know that as of today, China has started to recover from the Covid Pandemic. People expect China's economy to rebound this year. If you don’t do business with China, who can you do business with? The people from China only use WeChat and nothing else.   It is best that you use  WeChat.  2.       You get to know people outside your usual circle of friends in Facebook, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp.   This WeChat circle of people is very familiar with Chinese ways of doing business, an essential skill today 3.       You get a brand new mini-website called Official Account for free and you can use this to market your business FOC 4.      You don't need to download so many apps as what you need are already inside WeChat. This...

Using these 4 Tools to Great Effect

Combining Message, Broadcast, Moments and Group Chats We know that WeChat has these four simple but very powerful tools: MMBG or Moments, Message, Broadcast and Group chats. Moments: At the Discover page, similar to Facebook’s Newsfeed. It is social media sharing. Broadcast : Message Broadcast, similar to WhatsApp message broadcast, is a one-to-many messaging tool Message : Your one-to-one messaging tool Group Chats : Your one-to-many sharing tool On their own, these four tools are powerful. But when you combine them, their reach is scary . This is what I typically do: 1. I post a touching story in Moments and ask my friends to share it too 2. When this Moments post gather more than 10 likes, I screenshot the page and share it in my Group chats, asking the group chat members to share it 3. I also do a Message Broadcast to my contacts and get them to like and share my Moments post 4. I also send individualised messages to my friends, asking them to ...

How to Have Limitless Friends on WeChat

Although we only can have maximum 5,000 friends in one WeChat account, we can reach out to more than 5,000 friends using Group chats, Moments, Official Account and Mini Program.  A.     Group Chats There is no limit to the number of Group chats that we can join or set up.  Each group chat can have a maximum 500 people, and most of these people may not be your WeChat friends.  When you post messages in these group chats that make people like you, these people are your friends, EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE NOT ADDED THEM AS YOUR WECHAT FRIEND. In business, people like to buy from friends. So the number of people that you can reach via Group chats is infinitite. B.  Moments People mistakenly think that only our WeChat friends can read our Moments. In reality, our WeChat Moments can also reach out to people that are Not our WeChat friends through 4 ways: People Nearby, Friend Radar, Paid Advertisements and Reposting or Forwarding .  When you se...