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Showing posts with the label Causes and Conditions

5 Ways to Create the Conditions for Customers for Buy

As we know, a good salesperson does not sell, he merely creates the conditions for customers to buy by themselves.  As what Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, the highest strategy is to win the war without fighting, so in sales the highest strategy is to sell without selling.  There are 5 ways to create the conditions for customers to buy: Sell then Tell .  Before you tell people anything, sell them the idea why they must listen to you.  You can do this with the phrase, "Why I am telling you all these?..." Pull then Push .  You must attract people to what you are selling and if they still don't bulge, you have to push them to make a decision.  Attract people to buy not with what you sell, but with the benefits of what they will gain and the loss they will make if they don't buy .  Pushing is not to push people to buy so that you can close the sale but to push them to achieve what they want to achieve .  People want to achieve different things, b...

When External Rewards are Unnecessary

*Read Negative Strategies that Work Better at here * They say either you fire them up or you'll have to fire them (article at here ) Behavioural scientists said that the difference in a person's performance, under different situations, can be as wide as 90%. As much as 80% of that difference can be attributed to the conditions and environment that a person is in. That's why in our management training  (discover 'The 4 Weeks' at here ) we teach people that a manager's job is not to hire the best people available, but to make the best out of the people available . A good manager is one that can turn a mediocre performer into a star performer as long as he can create the conditions and environment for people to perform. The 7 conditions and environment are: 1. Open and Transparent environment , where people can see directly what are the rules of the game and what they can do and cannot do. People will then use their resources to create the best performance p...

People Are More Capable than What You Think

People are more capable than what you think.  Whether you are dealing with your staff, customers, suppliers, contractors or children, you should adopt an open mind and do not limit people's capabilities.  Currently you may see low performance, but understand that such performance is determined by causes and conditions set before.   Once the causes and conditions change, performance will change .  For example, Japan's economy has, since 1992, on a decline phase and till today 2014, it has not recovered to its glory days of 1980s.  This is because of the causes and conditions that Japan has, chief among them is its closed door immigration policy that limits foreign talents.  If Japan were to change its immigration policy and attract talents like Singapore or USA, its economy will surely improve.   If people are indeed more capable than what you think, what causes them to under-perform?  There are 7 key causes and conditions: No Mood. ...