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Showing posts with the label Non-Self

Know this and You'll Not Be Upset

Know this and You'll Not Be Upset Think of what makes you upset.  When somebody says something about you that is not good (like criticism), you feel upset.  Yet when we give negative comments about others in social media or WhatsApp group chats, we don't feel upset and instead feel 'great'.  It seems that it is all about me. Our minds get incredibly upset by anything that is not pleasant that happens to us or is related to us, including the slow train and lift. Yet we feel relieved when we managed to avoid a serious traffic jam.  Our self-centredness causes us much misery  What is the fastest way to have no misery? Never think just about yourself.  Mother Theresa thinks of how to help as many sick people as possible, she never thinks about what others think of her.   We know we can be happier and feel more successful without being so self-preoccupied.  Non-self is the way. 

Strive to be a Nobody

Teamwork issues all arise from the individual placing his own self higher than the selves of others. The word 'team' has no 'i', yet people often feel that in a team they should be recognized. Because of the focus on self, people do silly things like sabotaging others, stealing credit, pushing blame and seeking attention. So the first lesson we should teach people is to be nobody. Nobody refers to our deepest nature, our true self, which is what represents deep inside us. We know that deep inside, even for the most bad person, there are goodness in that person. Our true self is always good, ever-present and in no need of improvement. We just need to let the goodness in ourselves come out.  Our greatest joy in life comes when we are so deeply engrossed in doing something that we vacate ourselves and give ourselves over to something or someone else. It is when we stand outside of ourselves.   So being nobody means that we are willing to let go of our own self, our ...

Have You Renewed Your Happiness Today?

Everyone spends two-thirds of their waking hours working, including commuting to work and talking and thinking about work issues even if they are off work.  It's thus paramount that people must be happy at work or life would be so miserable.   The sad truth is that  happiness , like all phenomena,  is impermanent. It lasts for only one moment : if the next moment doesn't have peace of mind, concentration and mindfulness, happiness will disappear.  Just talk to the man who was happily drinking and driving until an accident happen and you'll know what I'm talking about.   The happy truth is that since  happiness  is impermanent, it  can be renewed . And it can be r enewed by anyone, at any time, at any where and everywhere .  Most of the time, renewal is costless.   All you need is to have the right thought.  The secret to happiness at work is to have  renewals of happiness . Everyone has plenty of ideas how to...

Be Instantly and Always Happy in 3 Simple Ways

Everyone wants to be happy, for this is what life is about.  We also know that we need to be happy to be successful and not wait for success to bring us happiness.  Some people think that money will bring us happiness, whereas others believe that love makes us truly happy.  There are those that, like Will Smith in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, believes that it is the pursuit of happiness, and not the happiness itself, that will make us happy.  In other words, happiness is a journey, not a destination .   In our trainings, we impart to our participants 3 things that will bring us happiness.  These 3 characteristics of life are interlinked, and you need to see them in totality: 1.   Realizing that Nothing in this world is permanent, and everything is in a flux and subject to constant change All things are impermanent, and everything is in the process of changing into something else.   The entire universe and the cosmos are in const...