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Showing posts with the label abunance

Are You Blocked On Receiving? 5 Ways to Unblock Your Receiving

(Copyright Andy Ng, all rights reserved) If you are not getting what you want so far in 2021, you would think that it is the economy or Pandemic.   Unknown to many, t is not how hard we work or how lucky we are if we want to have abundance.  It is also not enough to have an abundance mindset.   If your phone now is not getting the message from your friend, could it be that your phone has blocked his message?  Same for human beings.  If we are blocked in receiving abundance, how can abundance enter our life? There are 5 ways that anyone can unblock their receiving right now: Have no expectations . Without expectations, you are freeing your mind and all sorts of things can enter your life, including abundance Have the right expectations .  I expect business from my old friends, so I make deliberate attempts to contact them and give them my care and concern, like sharing with them this original article.  Open up all your 5 senses .  Most p...