(This article appeared in the Straits Times page C30 on 21 Oct 2016, watch our 1-min Better Manager video at here ) 1. Suppliers First, Customers Second We know that customers are important, but if you don't have the right goods and services from your suppliers, you have no business. That's why suppliers are more important. There are 3 things that every supplier yearn for: fast payment and advance order information. Give your suppliers the respect they need, for they are actually not suppliers but human beings 2. Employees Can Do More Without Being Told Unknown to many bosses, employees can do much more without being told. They just need to be appreciated for whatever little extra things that they do. 3. How They Feel = Morale Employee morale is about how people feel towards the bosses. If your people have low morale, examine yourself. In our course How to Be a Great Boss, we said that if you have low morale employees, either you change or you change yo...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com