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Showing posts with the label wechat difficulties

Why Is it So Difficult to Use WeChat in Singapore?

Yes, we know that there are many difficulties to overcome when you use WeChat outside China.  Many people from China could not understand this, and they often find it difficult to use WeChat with us. This chapter looks at all of the difficulties and the solutions: 1.   People outside China, especially Singapore, use WeChat very infrequently .   Most use it at most once or twice a week, and many don’t even use it for months. We know that if you don’t use WeChat for more than 3 months, your account will be blocked and many people don’t know how to unblock it.   Besides, friend requests in WeChat has a 3-days validity, so infrequent usage makes it difficult to increase your friends 2.   Bias against China and anything from China .   Because of years of influence by the Western media, especially Facebook, Google and the media, many people I know view anything from China with a negative bias.   If the things from China are good (eg phones very lasting),...