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Showing posts with the label Americans

You Don't Need Permission to do Good

In our training classes (listing at here ), people often ask me permission to do things like asking questions, sharing of experiences and even going to the toilets. I often told them, "You can do anything you like in my classes, including scolding me, as long as you pay your fees".  That inevitably draws chuckles from them.  We are unlike the Americans, who have never asked permission for anything.  They just go ahead and to it.  That's why Nike's slogan is "Just Do It".  If this is Asia, it would be "Ask Permission First".  Psychologists said that people feel the need to ask for permission because they don't want to be seen as aggressive or outshining others.  Some people go one step lower: fearing that their permission will not be granted, they dare not even ask for permission.  Such behaviour explains why many people are living below their potential.  You can see it everywhere like: Subordinates dare not do better than their boss ...