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Showing posts with the label Under Promise

Why I Promise Little

Many people ask why I am so lame in my selling.  I do not promise massive results, neither do I tell people that they will become rich when they do what I say.  Some people like to promise the sky. I prefer to promise the ground but inspire people to reach for the sky.  This is because I believe that a salesperson is not a liar, nor is he a over-promiser.  A salesperson is a service provider , and he only can service people if he can help the get what they have been promised.  So if he promise little, he may lose some sales.  To me that is okay, because maximising sales is not my goal.   Maximising customer satisfaction is my pursuit, and I only can maximize customer satisfaction if I allow my customer opportunities to have surprises on the upside. That's why I under promise. So the next time if you are looking for someone that promise a lot, don't look for me.   I promise little, but I deliver. To me this is everything.  (But I do pr...