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Showing posts with the label Mastering Successful Work

How to Find Work as Rewards, not a Way to Rewards

We all work primarily to earn income. Other than that, work fulfils additional needs like give us status, identity, power, approval of others, social interaction and the simple satisfaction of keeping busy.   The problem is that while we work to accomplish our goals, we seldom find value in the process of working itself.  In our training courses like How to Be a Better Manager, How to Be a Great Boss and Effective Selling Skills, many people have come to the point where they question the value of what they have been doing.  They asked if work has deepened their sense of meaning and purpose.   Even for people who work for a cause they believe in, or they are working on their passions, ultimately the same pattern persists.  Although we may work with much more energy and commitment, we look past the actual activity of working to its results.  Although we believe in what we do, we are focused on the results, hitting KPIs and earning a living.  In oth...