Happy for No Reason? Have you ever noticed how some people appear to exude happiness, confidence, and optimism no matter where they go or who they associate with? These people, whether they know it or not, are tapping into the power of positivity. Numerous studies have shown that being more positive leads to: Reduced Stress and boosted well-being Stronger resilience to stressors Improved performance Stronger relationships And better mental health But it's easy to say: just be more positive... The hard part is actually learning how to tap into positive energy and becoming a positive person. And while this won’t happen overnight... You can become more positive every day through a few small changes that will add up overtime. And one simple change you make today is using crystals that help you stay bright, cheerful and upbeat throughout your day. That simple change could be your mobile number. You see, your mobile number, just like any language or clothing, carries energy, posit...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com