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Showing posts with the label Praise

The 7 Praises that De-Motivate People the Most

Everyone knows the power of praises, but few people know that some praises actually demotivate people instead of uplifting them.  The following are the 7 most common instances of praises that de-motivate people: General Praises , like 'You're Great' and 'Well Done" if used in a general way will make the person feel that you're being sarcastic or flattering .  Imagine your staff worked hard for the exhibition and there were a few hiccups along the way, you need to be specific in your praise, like you appreciate the fact that they managed to clear backlogs.  General praises will just make them feel that you're just putting on a show.  Praises that Compare them to another person.  Everyone knows the de-motivating power of comparisons, especially when you compare the person you praised to another person that achieved much more than them. The person will feel more inferior with your comparison.  If you want to compare, compare their current improved perfor...