Le Letting Go: Adapted from Einzelganger gänger Mastery of the world is achieved by letting things take their natural course. You cannot master the world by changing the natural way. Our civilization is in a state of ongoing strivings, in which control seems to be the highest virtue. Yet the more we control, the more we lose. The best way is to let go. That means not to control and let nature take its natural course. As opposed to a control-obsessed society, Daoism revolves around letting go and going with the flow. At first glance, the act of letting go may seem a form of weakness, but according to Daoism, by a correct understanding of how to universe works, we can approach life more intelligently, more efficiently and go with the flow. The power of letting go is a form of strength, it is of sophistication rather than force. Because letting things go is the key to let nature do the work. In this article, I would like to show you several ways the power of letting go. The first o...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com