* Find out how to be a great manager in 4 weeks at here Everybody knows that the PIC (Productivity and Innovation Credit) scheme is about the government handling out $60,000 cash every year (from 2012 to 2017) on your spendings on External Training , Internal Training, IT, Automation Equipment, Websites and Intellectual Property Rights. However, the following are the 5 things that the government may not tell you about the PIC: The PIC Bonus scheme, which is expiring in 2014 , is given to you automatically without you applying. What they may not tell you is that if your financial year-end is in 30 June, then your PIC Bonus has already expired on 30 June 2014. Note that once expired, the PIC Bonus will not be renewed . The g overnment will not send out reminders and companies can only blame themselves if they realized that they have not receive the full $15,000 PIC Bonus. PIC is given to all entities, including non-profit organizations like clubs and soci...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com