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Showing posts with the label Sun Tzu Leadership

Leadership by Bad Example

You'll be shocked to hear this: many leaders are leading us, but to the wrong way!  From my observations many leaders do not lead by example but instead lead by bad example. Some bad examples include: Tell people "Just do what I say" and do differently from what they say. A good example is punctuality Appoint people to do jobs and do not follow-up on their status. When things go wrong, they blame people Use abdication instead of delegation.  They delegate the task and the responsibility as well! Play politics and focus on internal fighting instead of external fighting Never reward and punish adequately and fairly. Like dare not hire and promote people more capable than himself Focus on the process to the detriment of the outcome, like too overwhelmed with KPIs and not results 'Monstering' instead of motivating people Make people angry instead of making people hungry Control people instead of leading people Never read email attachments and ask innoc...