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Showing posts with the label Powerful

Make Your People Feel Powerful in 5 Powerless Ways

If you don't fire your people up, you might as well fire them. More at here Your people are your greatest asset, but how many leaders actually make their people feel powerful?  Instead I see many leaders make their people feel powerless by taking away freedom from them and insulting them in public.  From now on make your people feel powerful and you'll have a powerful team . There are 5 powerless ways to make people feel powerful: Delegate important tasks to them.  Let them take the risk and fail if necessary.   Let go of your authority, control and compliance.  Let them do things their way, and they will realize that following your system and path is better Communicate with them frequently, let them be the first to know important things, and encourage them to share their views on important issues.  Ask them, "Can I have your opinion on this?" You don't have to promote people to leadership position to make them powerful, all you need is to offer...