I have one solution for Covid-19 using The 36 Stratagems, the ancient laymen wisdom from China. The Chinese believe that T he 36 Stratagems can resolve all the world's problems . All we need is a methodology. The method is very simple and it is like this. The 36 Stratagems 三十六计 Stratagems When You’re in Winning Positions 胜战计 1. Openly Deceive Under Camouflage 瞒天过海 2. Attack Another to Save Your Target 围 魏救赵 3. Kill with a Borrowed Knife 借刀 杀 人 4. Wait at Ease for the Exhausted Enemy ...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com