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Showing posts with the label 36 Stratagems

How UK, US and Italy Can Fight Covid-19 with The 36 Stratagems

I have one solution for Covid-19 using The 36 Stratagems, the ancient laymen wisdom from China.   The Chinese believe that T he 36 Stratagems can resolve all the world's problems .  All we need is a methodology.  The method is very simple and it is like this. The 36 Stratagems    三十六计 Stratagems When You’re in Winning Positions    胜战计 1.     Openly Deceive Under Camouflage                 瞒天过海 2.     Attack Another to Save Your Target                围 魏救赵 3.     Kill with a Borrowed Knife                                 借刀 杀 人 4.     Wait at Ease for the Exhausted Enemy ...

My Story of The 36 Stratagems

In 2009, I was walking along Sago Lane in Chinatown and came across a shop selling bamboo strips, the type of old non-paper books used in ancient China. The shopkeeper told me, 'Take a look, young man'. The book has a title 三十六计, which means 36 Stratagems. To verify that this is the right book that people talked about, I asked her, 'Where is 'Escape is the best'?'. She said, 'at the end'. She explained that escape is always the last resort, not the first thing to do when a problem arises. Indeed I was escaping from a problem at that time. I could not come up with an interesting topic for my lect ure to CPA Australia, and I was thinking of turning down that speaking engagement. With that lesson from her,  I bought that bamboo strip book, used it for my speech at CPA Australia dinner, and it was a roaring success. From then on I have been studying and researching this topic 36 Stratagems. The Stratagems have given me tools and ways...

Business Domination with 36 Stratagems

You know it. Chinese companies from Alibaba to BBK Electronics, from Tencent Technologies to China Southern Airlines, are creating waves of success in the business world. Unknown to many, the Chinese have a 'lost' secret: The 36 Stratagems 三十六计. Also known as The Secret Art of War 秘密兵法, this Chinese Wisdom is known to solve problems for centuries. Today companies are using the 36 Stratagems to win over their competitors and enrich customers and themselves Now you too can learn this secret at the world's first seminar on 36 Stratagems for Business Domination. What you'll bring back in this high impact seminar include: The mystery behind the 36 Stratagems and how to unlock it The world's one and only English translation of 36 Stratagems that is so easy to understand and apply (see below pictures) The 36 Stratagems in 3 Chinese Wisdom of Wuwei, Yin Yang and Jian Jie. How Tencent Technologies use 36 Stratagems to make WeChat much more useful than Wha...

Winning with The 36 Stratagems

Winning with The 36 Stratagems Date:   12 Sep 2017 Tuesday Time:    2 to 6 pm Venue:  The Plaza 02-346, 7500A Beach Road, Singapore 199591 (inside Parkroyal Hotel building) Fee:     $199 each, $149 each for 2 & above (no GST but with PIC 40% cashback) Watch this short video on what is 36 stratagems at Many people know The 36 Stratagems as tactics to win in war and daily life.   What exactly is winning? Is it about winning over your opponent? Or winning yourself? Or achieving your goals and aspirations? To the Chinese, winning is about one and only thing: Flexibility. That's right, if you are flexible enough, eventually you will get what you want and want what you get. If you are flexible enough, you will be able to handle every situation that comes along.  The Chinese is the only civilisation in the world to have unbroken existence for more than 5,0...

Winning with The 36 Stratagems 1

Many people know The 36 Stratagems as tactics to win in war and daily life. What exactly is winning?  Is it about winning over your opponent?  Or winning yourself? Or achieving your goals and aspirations? To me, winning is about one and only thing: Flexibility.  That's right, if you are flexible enough, eventually you will get what you want and want what you get.  The 36 Stratagems is not just a collection of Chinese Wisdom.  In fact, if you read the entire book you'll realize that this book appears to contradict itself and different people interpret the stratagems in different ways. Isn't this book just about one thing: Change? Change is the name of the game in The 36 Stratagems One can be flexible and change his tactics but there is one thing that one cannot change: his Dao or Moral. This stated very clearly in the preface of this book: 六六三十六, 数中有术, 术中有数 ,   The 36 stratagems have many different permutations.  阴阳燮理,机在其中,机不可设,设而...

How this most mis-understood book could help you solve ALL your problems

Watch this 1-minute video at here Mention "36 Stratagems" 三十六计 and most people will say one of the following: Is this another name for the Art of War military classic 孙子兵法 written by Sun Tzu, a 484 BCE military strategist from China? Isn't this a very old book? This must be one of the chapters inside the Art of War book, right? This is Sun Tzu's second book Of course none of the above is true.  The 36 Stratagems is another book, with origins unknown, and no known authors as it was written by many people over several centuries. The last chapter "Escape is the Best" was first mentioned more than 1,000 years ago, but the form we know today is quite recent.  The current format that we know was only officially published in China (under the government's direction) in 1961.  Thus in a way The 36 Stratagems is a relatively new book.  Today most scholars agree that the Thirty-Six Stratagems is likely a collection of idiomatic expressions ta...