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Showing posts with the label Buddhism as an Education

How I Become Powerful Instantly without taking Drugs

We know that nothing ever happens to us is a good thing or bad thing from its own side , because, if it were, then everyone would experience it that way as well.  For example, we may find someone irritating in the workplace, as if his 'irritating-ness' were something inside him that was flowing out and flying across the room to us.  That of course is not true.  That person's irritating-ness was just our perception . In reality there is almost always someone who finds this person to be good and lovable.  In short, people have no quality within themselves.  People are neutral, blank or empty.  What we experience is just our perception. What causes our perception?  It is a combination of factors: our own experience, the environment, our opinion, others' opinion and most importantly, our own state of mind . If we are in a joyful or loving state of mind, we will have positive perceptions.  If we are in an angry or hatred state of mind, we will h...

Why Gotama is the Greatest Teacher of all Times

Buddhism officially came to China in 67 CE. The Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Han Ming sent special envoys to India to invite Buddhist monks to come to China to preach. Since most South-East Asia Chinese came from China, to the Chinese Buddhism is almost 2,000 years old. Buddhism in that period was regarded as an Educational System and not as a religion. Indeed in many ways Buddhism is considered as an education and not religion, primarily because Buddhism is not about faith or belief, but about seeing the world in the right way . It is about questioning everything, including the teachings of Buddhism . Only when one has wisdom can one question, thus Buddhism is an education. This is the unique thing about Buddhism as compared with other faiths, religions and schools of thoughts. Not only that, Buddhism is also about the how to live the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama who ‘founded’ the religion of Buddhism in 563 BCE in North-East India that is Nepal today. Commonly referred as ...