We know that leadership makes the difference between an organization’s success and failure, and there are many types of leadership. There are leadership from the heart, leadership by KPI (Key Performance Indicators), leadership by command, coercion and control the opposite, leadership by consultation. Among all types almost everyone say that the best leadership is leadership by example. Unfortunately most people don’t understand what leadership by example is. To many people ‘leadership by example’ means that the leader must set an example. For example, if the leader ask people to work hard, he himself must work hard not just now but forever. Some say that to lead by example, a leader must be flawless and posses all the attributes that he advocates. The leader by example must do what he says and says what he does. Otherwise he is just a hypocrite and will lose credibility as a leader. Is this true? It seems that this is the common understanding of leadership by...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com