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Showing posts with the label Karmic Management and Leadership

To Make Every Day Better, Make Your Everyday Thoughts Better

Understand that things don't get better, we must get better. Volitional or intentional actions generate their effects, even though you may not see them immediately.  If you don't have an action today, there won't be an effect. But natural forces like winds and tides do create effects that have nothing to do with what you do.  They are not your intentions, so do things that you do unconsciously or without intention.   It's not what happened but what you do to what happened that makes the difference.  We can always choose to react or respond to what happened.  Know that our actions will have an effect. Like I responded to the strong winds by wearing more clothes, it definitely have effect on my health.   The above is what we called Law of Cause and Effect, commonly known as Karma.   Karma invites us to take responsibility for our own behaviour .  Our behaviour s tarts with our thoughts . So pay close attention to your thoughts, speech ...

What You Can Do in a Blink of an Eye

Karma is the universal law of cause and effect.  You reap what you sow, you get what you earn.  You are what you eat. What goes around comes around. Many people at work think that there's nothing they can do to change their company, the business, their team and their career.  Some even think that everything is preordained, so why bother to change the situation?  Just do your work and everything will be fine.   Since we know that karma is operating all the time, we can, in the blink of an eye, make decisions that will shape our futures and transform the parts of our lives that are causing us unhappiness.   Think about karma as a bank. The karma bank is an impartial, honorable, incorruptible, infallible solid establishment. Every time you perform a positive action, you add good karma to your karma bank account.  Every negative action you perform similarly produces a bad karma.  The ultimate goal is to have your karma account in perfect balan...

How to Be Happy at Work with Karmic Management

Be Happy at work, not happy after work. If you are not happy at work, why work?  If you are happy to be unhappy at work, you will not work happily.   If work tires you out, you are not happy at work.  Happy people produces higher profits.  More happiness means higher profits.   Being happy at work has little to do with how much you are paid at work, but what attention you pay to at work.  Do you pay attention to the problems or the solutions?  Do you pay attention to working with your colleagues or teamwork with your colleagues? Remember, the law of cause and effect (or Karma) is at work and whatever you focus on grows.  You are the creator of your own happiness at work.  The fastest way to be happy at work is to focus on the positives at work.  Be grateful that you have a job, and your employer does not take 30 days credit to pay you!  Climb your own higher mountain in the next 30 days at here . Now you can be happy...

Create Your Own Future by Following The 7 Truths of Karma

Following my previous article on Karma and You, the following are the 7 truths to further our understanding.  One: Karma means act or deed Karma simply  means action or deed and not retribution or effect. The effect of action is called karmic effects or 'vipaka' as in the original Pali language.  Two: The law of karma is the law of cause and effect This law states that an action will always have an effect or we reap what we sow.  Every action that we perform in life, every word we speak, even every thought that we think, has its reaction.   Like now you are thinking of where to go for lunch tomorrow, you will create an action the next day (looking for a restaurant) and this will definitely have an effect.  Three: Karma can be strong, weak or moderate.  A strong karma (action) will produce a strong outcome.  Notice that action includes behaviour, speech and thought, and the strength of these 3 elements will influence the effect of...

You and Your Karma

Mention the word 'Karma' and many would think this has to do with religion or superstition.  Some even equate karma as retribution.  Like Microsoft's CEO said 'it is bad karma for a staff to ask for a salary raise'.   The dictionary defines 'Karma' simply as 'action'.  So when we say 'bad karma', it is simply 'bad action'.  Because every action will have an effect, bad action will lead to bad outcome or effect.  Note that the effect may not be immediate, direct or even obvious .  For example, if you take in dirty food, you may get food poisoning, but it may be delayed, indirect (you get headache instead of stomach ache) or non-obvious (you may think your stomach upset is caused by water and not the food you take). Also other factors are at play, like how strong your body is.  Nevertheless, karma affects everything in life, whether you know it or not is irrelevant.  The 7 elements of karma are: Size : the bigger the action, t...