Interview any sales experts and they will tell you that although they work hard, their sales are all won effortlessly. They encounter few objections from their clients, they hardly prospect, and repeat business is as regular as breathing. Although they too have sales targets to hit, they do not need to struggle to achieve them. Such sales achievers have achieved what we called Mindful Sales . Mindful Sales is simply being mindful of what is the most important thing that matters to the prospect now. It is not about the past, nor is it about the future. It is about the present, the WIN - What's Important Now - to the prospect. To be mindful you need to Take Out the Trash. The trash is anything in your mind that keeps you away from the only thing that matters - this moment, here and now. When you truly are in the here and now, you will be amazed at what you can do and how well you do it. The opposite of Effortless Sales is Stressful Sa...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: