It pains me to see some employees that are so qualified and hard-working but they seem to be stuck in their careers. In fact they have the 7 Fetters of Employees that prevent them from becoming star contributors. Some of the fetters are created by their managers, others are due to organization culture, and some due to habit. Know the fetters, remove them and you will be on a different path. The 7 Fetters are: Having No KPIs. Many managers do not have have KPIs for their staff at all. As a result, employees are just working on a roller coaster - many ups and downs but they will end up where they begin - no improvement at all. For without goals we will all perish. Having Too 'Ambitious' (Unrealistic) Goals . This is the opposite of Having No KPIs, but is more than that. It is about the KPIs that so far in the company's 10 year history, only 2 people out of 50 have hit the goals. In fact such high goals make many employees give up instead. Having No Teamwork . No...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: