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Showing posts with the label Brain Power

How to Use More than 10% of Your Brain

“It is estimated most human beings only use 10 percent of the brain’s capacity,” Morgan Freeman says in 2014's best-selling movie Lucy. “Imagine if we could access 100 percent.  Interesting things begin to happen.” So is it true that humans only use 10% of our brain?   How can we use our brain more without incurring higher stress?  (Stress reduction with mindfulness at here ) Truth be told, unless you have a traumatic brain injury or other neurological disorder, you are already using more than 10% of your brain. Other than your active brain, like the one you're using now to read this blog, you also use other parts of your passive brain to control automatic bodily functions like breathing and balance.  I'm not a scientist, and until now modern science cannot come to any meaningful conclusion about how much of our brain we're using.  One thing for sure: it is less than 100% and more than 0%.  Whatever it is, we can always use more than 10% ...