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Showing posts with the label Vision

The Latest Buzzword in Sales: Enchantment

Me with Andy Koh, a super salesperson of Organo lingzhi coffee Enchantment is the feeling of being attracted by something interesting, pretty, dynamic or captivating.  Like when you pass by the street and got attracted by a poster.  When applied in sales, it can be a very powerful technique. As I learnt from Guy Kawasaki, enchantment in sales is all about changing people’s hearts, minds and actions by providing them with a vision or a way to do things better . The difference between enchantment and simple sales is that with enchantment you have the other person’s best interests at heart, too.   As we know, people don't buy goods and services, they buy experiences.  That's the reason why Apple's fans swear to using iPhones: Apple provides a unique experience as Apple is the only smartphone company that controls both hardware and software. By far the best experience you can provide to anyone is their own experience: how you can enhance their life e...