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Showing posts with the label Do Well in Sales

7 Keys to Do Well in Sales

First, examine are you over-promoting or over-selling yourself and your company/products?  If your fundamentals are not strong, over-selling or over-marketing will set you back greatly Next, examine do you have a strong conviction: can you name 100 reasons for doing what you are doing?  If you do not have enough reasons to do what you are doing, you will have little reason to continue to do what you are doing. Spirit of marketing: do you have the proper values in your marketing?  Like you don’t mislead people, don’t over-promise, don’t over-pressure people. Understand your business model: why your company does what it do and have offerings like free samples?   Know inside-out about your products and services: what benefits do you (yes, you the seller, not the customer) derive from them?  Do you have a perfect script in 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 10 seconds? Limit your sales presentation to 30 minutes Objections: never object, resist and...