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Showing posts with the label Reject Training

The Only Reason They Can Reject Your Teaching

I'm sure many of you have this experience: you wanted to teach your child or staff something, or you wanted to send them for training for you think they lack certain skills.  Chances are that your child or staff will reject your teaching.  They will tell you things like, "I already know what you are going to teach me", or "Let's not waste time on things that we already knew". Many bosses would accept such reason and conclude that the staff or child does not need the teaching.  Is that true? The only reason your staff or child can reject your teaching is that they know more than you.  The only way to demonstrate this knowledge is from their doing and action.  So the next time when they reject your teaching, you can tell them, "I'm happy that you already know what I'm going to teach you.  Can you demonstrate what you know in your work?   If it is demonstrated that you know more than me, I would like you to be my teacher, is that okay for you...