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Showing posts with the label iPhone 6 Plus

Top 7 Ways to Sell on Higher Price

A good salesperson is one that sells on higher price, on higher frequency and with more repeat business.   Even if your selling price is higher than your competitors, you can still beat your competitors if you know   how to add value to the customer .  The top 7 ways to sell on higher price include: Have Things that Few People Have - be it special service, b etter Technical Support,  Longer Credit Terms or Higher Credit Limit or  Unique packaging or limited edition versions  Totally Enthusiastic Salesperson Serving the Customer - fast prompt response, entertainment, listening, patience, problem solving, courteous service and go extra mile service Top Management Serving the Customer - imagine if the Prime Minister of Singapore serves you, price is no longer a concern, right? Novelty factor , like iPhone 6 Plus (click here to see how you too can copy from Apple even if you are not from Samsung) Strong Product Differentiation or Customization of...

iPhone 6 Success and You

The iPhone 6 has been declared a success by experts since the day it was officially launched.  There are 6 success factors of iPhone 6 that you too can copy to your business, even if you are not from Samsung: Sell to a Already Hungry Market .  The market is hungry for a bigger screen phone, especially those bigger than 5 inches.  The iPhone 6 Plus with 5.5 inches has huge potential demand as many people that bought Samsung for its bigger screen were disappointed with it and are ready to switch anytime.   Your application : Attraction Selling is better, sell to people that already want to buy is the best New Software never seen before, namely the iOS8.  Unlike Samsung Galaxy Note 4 which is still using the 1.5 years old Android 4.4, Apple has a totally new software.   Your application : Improve your personal software, which is your core soft skills like problem solving, thinking and persevernce. Competitive Pricing . Apple's pricing is just US$100 hig...