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Showing posts with the label Manpower; HR Manager

The 7 Things that Management Training Must Cover

Management training in Singapore and the region: bosses and HR Managers have asked me what topics must a good management program cover?   Based on full-time training since 2001, there are at least 7 things that all management training must cover: How to Look for Solutions to Manpower issues without extra hiring Getting staff to take ownership for their work, not excuses Increasing the productivity of office and operational workers without $ Converting all dis-engaged staff into highly committed team members How to Present your message to the people so that you're not seen as a messenger but a leader that adds value Managing from the heart and how to go the extra mile to serve the team Asking questions so as to coach and mentor staff and not just give instructions and expect compliance On top of that, management training must also cover 4 soft skills: How to set your own goals and help your team members motivate and work towards the organization's goals Persuasi...