Without lowering your price and spending more advertising, we coach and teach our clients how to increase their sales by 79% in a year with the following 7 Winning Sales Strategies: Tiered Incentive for the Team , whereby the sales team will be incentivised for their efforts, both direct and indirect efforts. Their manager too will be rewarded when their team does well, like given a matching commission. For example, if the salesperson earns 4% commission, the managers is getting 20% of that 4%. If the sales team achieve a higher level of sales, their commission too will be step-up. Step-up Incentives for Customers for staying with the company (Loyalty bonus), pre-pay bulk purchase (but delivered over time) and incentives for introducing customers Weekly Training for the Sales Team , coupled with mid-week one-to-one coaching Increase Average Dollar Sale , primarily with bundled selling, up-selling, cross-selling, add-on sale and down sell. For the 36 ...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com