Talk about Productivity and many equate it to be 'better, faster and cheaper'. Some think of getting new and advanced machines to replace manpower, others say productivity is about getting the government's Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) money to improve productivity. (To read more on the latest curbs and abuse of PIC, click here ). Many trainers advocate training your staff while at Asia Trainers we opined that training bosses and managers are more important than training staff. To the businessman, productivity is about E ver More with Ever Less. This means getting more output with ever lesser input. This must be the most apt definition and I shall use this in this article. To have more output is easy, just lower your selling price and your sales would increase and you will have a quantum leap in productivity. But without profit margins there is no productivity. Thus the element of profit or residual value is important. ...
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: