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Showing posts with the label Knowledge

Get Rich By Being a Don't-Know-It-All

"I don't know what I'm doing."  Is there something worse than saying this to your boss? All of us want to feel that we know how to do our job well. As such, no one wants to be a don't-know-it-all fool.   If people really know what they are doing, why are we still seeing mistakes in airplanes, stock market crashes and accidents in the workplace?  It's obvious that we don't know it all.  The fact is that we cannot avoid 'not knowing': we simply don't know a lot of the time.  Because life is full of surprises and messiness, even the best plans will get wrong.  Furthermore, life is impermanent; even if you know it all now, the next moment you everything changes.  Thus not knowing is not a bad thing, in fact it is a first step towards mastery and excellence. By adopting a 'don't-know' mentality, we can achieve the following 7 benefits: We are open to new ideas We are ready to admit our flaws and mistakes, thus preventing f...

The Intellectual Fool Meets the Practical Wizard

We all met such a person before: one who never fails to catch up the latest fad in management and sales and knows more than trainers.  But when you ask him which knowledge he has applied in his daily work, he will remark, "Not yet". We call such a person an Intelligent Fool.  Many a times such a person will go to great lengths to prove that he is right and you are wrong.  He is highly intelligent as a book smart. On the other hand, there is the Practical Wizard : one who is very down to earth and applies knowledge on a daily basis.   It's obvious who gains the most: the Practical Wizard will gain the most while the Intelligent Fool is still occupied with proving that he is right!  There are 5 Ways to apply knowledge into work: Apply Immediately .  Strike while the iron is hot and apply the concepts immediately. In all our training we create a '30-Day Action Plan' where we give out prizes to those that complete the best Action Plan.  Teach ot...