If you are not hungry for success, you will be too contented to go the extra mile. Without going the extra mile, how can you stand out? Whether one perceives a situation as an opportunity or problem depends on how hungry one is. When faced with difficulties, do you go all the way or run away? We cannot tell or teach a person to be hungry. We can only help them to be hungry. Being hungry is a state of mind , it has little to do with one's level of wealth and success. In fact the rich people are more hungry for success while the poor may see success as too far to be reached in this lifetime. Therefore we must help the poor to be successful by inspiring and motivating them to be hungry. Only when you are hungry will you be able to see problems as opportunities , difficulties as challenges , issues as concerns and people as friends . If you too want go get hungry and not angry, now is the time. Invest 3.5 hours of your time next week...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com