Buddhism officially came to China in 67 CE. The Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Han Ming sent special envoys to India to invite Buddhist monks to come to China to preach. Since most South-East Asia Chinese came from China, to the Chinese Buddhism is almost 2,000 years old. Buddhism in that period was regarded as an Educational System and not as a religion. Indeed in many ways Buddhism is considered as an education and not religion, primarily because Buddhism is not about faith or belief, but about seeing the world in the right way . It is about questioning everything, including the teachings of Buddhism . Only when one has wisdom can one question, thus Buddhism is an education. This is the unique thing about Buddhism as compared with other faiths, religions and schools of thoughts. Not only that, Buddhism is also about the how to live the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama who ‘founded’ the religion of Buddhism in 563 BCE in North-East India that is Nepal today. Commonly referred as ...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com