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Showing posts with the label Making Money

The Untold Reason Why I Don't Use Windows Phone

Sales built on relationships does NOT work. If relationship selling works, why do so many people who have over 35 years of relationship with Microsoft Windows operating system do not use Windows phone or Window tablet at all? The undeniable fact is people don't care how long you have been in business or how long you have been serving them. What they care is do you add value to them NOW? I called this value adding type of selling Profit Selling. You don't want to be just a good salesperson.  You want to be an exceptional salesperson .  An exceptional salesperson is not measured by how well he serves his customers but how much profits he adds to his customers.   Profits to the customer may mean increase in sales, reduction in costs, increase in productivity, improvements in cash flow, reduction in risk and most importantly, improvements in the name of the customer.  To other organizations, profit means improvements in teamwork, reduction of stress, simplification of wor

Stop Making Money and Start Making Health Money Now!

As we know, making money, especially making plenty of money, is the goal of everyone. But because everyone is focused on making money, other things like environment, morals and health are ignored. Just look at the rapidly deteriorating air and noise pollution in cities like Beijing and Jakarta and you'll know what I am talking about. Today the corporate buzzword is "Making Healthy Money". Like what Jack Ma, the founder of and says, making healthy money will also lead you to making more money in a sustainable way .  And when your health is better, you can make even more healthy money and so the vicious cycle goes up .  By the way, ' healthy' includes not just physical health, but also mental and spiritual health. Here are 5 Ways that You Too Can Make Healthy Money in Your Job or Business Now: Use computer systems and e-commerce systems to reduce wastages, improve communication and excess stock.   Reduce negative stress among