(For Face-to-Face Customer Service, read here ) 1. First Impressions Matter First impressions are mental snapshots the customer take when they first encounter you. They include your look, your grooming, clothing, body language, posture, tone of voice and most importantly, your SMILE. SMILE means Sincerity, Mental Readiness, Interested Look, Liveliness and Enthusiasm. You need to maintain a relaxed and open demeanour. 2. Courtesy The best way to convey a positive first impression is GST - Greet, Smile and Thank You . GST also comes in other forms: Excuse me I'm sorry (when you did something wrong) Use Sir/Ma'am Use Yes rather than Yeah Smile Introduce yourself by saying "My name is Andy, I'll be happy to help you" Common courtesies include things that you should not be in the presence of customers, including talking with your colleagues, using your mobile phone, eating or chewing something. 3. Attitude is Everythin...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com