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Showing posts with the label Organzational Change

How Eric Schmidt Changed the Culture inside Google

As we know, a company's culture defined how it performs. Often in our courses like How to Be a Better Manager (details at here ), people often asked if an organization's culture can be changed.  Some companies like Google have a culture of innovation, whereas others have a culture of following the leader.  Is one better than the other? If you think that your existing culture is no good, it's time to change.  There are 5 steps to change an organization's culture as detailed in the best-selling book "How Google Works" by Eric Schmidt: First, recognize the problem.  What is the culture that defines the company today, not the one that is described in the mission and value statements. In other words, the real culture that people live in day by day. Second, what problem has this culture caused the business?  Draw a connection between the culture and the problem, but do not criticise the culture. For any criticism will only alienate people.  Third, let...