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Showing posts with the label People Management with 36 Stratagems

How this most mis-understood book could help you solve ALL your problems

Watch this 1-minute video at here Mention "36 Stratagems" 三十六计 and most people will say one of the following: Is this another name for the Art of War military classic 孙子兵法 written by Sun Tzu, a 484 BCE military strategist from China? Isn't this a very old book? This must be one of the chapters inside the Art of War book, right? This is Sun Tzu's second book Of course none of the above is true.  The 36 Stratagems is another book, with origins unknown, and no known authors as it was written by many people over several centuries. The last chapter "Escape is the Best" was first mentioned more than 1,000 years ago, but the form we know today is quite recent.  The current format that we know was only officially published in China (under the government's direction) in 1961.  Thus in a way The 36 Stratagems is a relatively new book.  Today most scholars agree that the Thirty-Six Stratagems is likely a collection of idiomatic expressions ta...