If you are like most people, you find that you may earn good money but your bank account balances don't seem to increase. In fact, many times, your bank balances actually decrease even though you have been quite prudent in your spending and your income is about the same. This situation is called Money Leakage from a financial point of view. Today's let's look at how we can stop money leakage in our bank accounts: First, you have to make sure that your bank does not do deductions that you are not aware of, eg credit card payments that you are not aware of, duplicate GIRO deductions property instalments, insurance premiums etc. Then make sure that your ad-hoc payments are all proper eg PayNow, PayLah, etc If there are no wrong or improper outflows, then it must be your bank account numbe r is giving you leakages. We know that numbers have energy, and if your number is of negative energy, you will suffer outflows more than inflows. This is from the school of Yiny...
by Andy Ng at www.asiatrainers.com (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: andythecoach@gmail.com