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Showing posts with the label success plan

Your 8-Step Plan to Success

The reason people are still struggling in their lives is not due to the lack of opportunities but the lack of belief in 2 things: themselves and the system. As a trainer coach with over 14 years of professional experience, I equip people with the right mindset, strategies, tactics and systems so that they can more successful in their lives. The 8 things we do include: Take away excuses - no more excuses or reasons, but only the determination to make a difference to tomorrow Get Realistic - be true to yourself - where are you now today in your life Get Motivated with the Goals of where you want to be in 3 years, 5 years and 10 years time Strategic Plan - how to get where you want to go Tactical Plan - what are the top 36 stratagems to do Action - take action on the tactical plan Review - how to improve on the future action Rebuilding the karma - how to build on to future success by planting the right seeds today PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUCCESS (NEW) Your No-Fear Stra...