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Showing posts with the label Service Profit

It's The Profit, Stupid!

From now onwards, we don't do training any more.  We do only training that leads to higher profits.  Because it is profits that people want, not training.   Profits to a business is obvious: higher sales, lower costs, higher gross profit, higher net profits, improvements in cash flow, reduction of risks and higher other income. To a non-profit organization like the Government or Voluntary and Welfare Organizations, Profit means the above too, plus higher reserves for future use.  To an individual, profit means higher increment, bonuses, incentives, rewards, promotion, better welfare, and moving up the corporate ladder. Our training focuses on 5 key areas of a business: (note: all our training qualify for PIC 60% cash back, details at here ) Profit Sales : how to increase sales with higher profits and how to increase profits for your customers with what you sell Service Profit : how to create raving fans and sell more at higher prices at higher frequency t...