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Showing posts with the label Selling with a Difference

Selling With a Difference

Before you can sell anything to anybody, do you yourself have the conviction in what you are selling?  Will you buy what you are selling? There is no difference in selling to a corporate or a consumer: we are all selling to human beings. The 8 basic principles of selling:  Never treat your customers as people that pay you, treat them as people that you pay them. Or course we don't pay customers money but we must definitely  pay attention to their needs or we won't get paid.   Look at sal es objections as points of concern and opportunities for you to help them : the customer is asking you for help.  If you have the compassion and kindness, you will welcome objections, for they give you a chance to serve them It's better to contact customers even if you have nothing to update them or sell to them. Out of sight means out of mind.  In today's world, cyber contact is more prevalent than physical contact.  Whenever salespeople become complacent, intr...