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Showing posts with the label Motivational Selling

Kill Your Competitors with a Higher Price

If you are now selling base on price, do not read further. We teach people how to sell on value, not price.   Sell the sizzle, not the steak , and you can close every sale and sell ice to the Eskimos.   Even if your selling price is higher than your competitors, you will still be able to sell if you know  how to add value to the customer .  There are 21 ways to add value: Better Service - comes in many forms including delivery, convenience, internet assistance, telephone answering, administration support, longer operating hours, and customer service Better Technical Support Longer Credit Terms or Higher Credit Limit Unique packaging or limited edition versions that add value to your product or service Salesperson Serving the Customer - fast prompt response, entertainment, listening, patience, problem solving, courteous service and go extra mile service Top Management Serving the Customer - imagine if the Prime Minister of Singapore serves you, price ...

Why I Promise Little

Many people ask why I am so lame in my selling.  I do not promise massive results, neither do I tell people that they will become rich when they do what I say.  Some people like to promise the sky. I prefer to promise the ground but inspire people to reach for the sky.  This is because I believe that a salesperson is not a liar, nor is he a over-promiser.  A salesperson is a service provider , and he only can service people if he can help the get what they have been promised.  So if he promise little, he may lose some sales.  To me that is okay, because maximising sales is not my goal.   Maximising customer satisfaction is my pursuit, and I only can maximize customer satisfaction if I allow my customer opportunities to have surprises on the upside. That's why I under promise. So the next time if you are looking for someone that promise a lot, don't look for me.   I promise little, but I deliver. To me this is everything.  (But I do pr...

Aggressive Selling: Selling that Few Can Do

Most people equate aggressive selling to aggressive salespeople doing pushy or aggressive selling.  Nothing is further from the truth. By the way, Aggressive Selling is part of Motivational Selling .  As we know, selling is professionally helping other people to buy .  Aggressive selling is just professional selling done in an aggressive way .  Sun Tzu in the Art of War advocated wars to be fought quickly and with determination .  (The next Sun Tzu Art of War for Sales seminar is on 30 Jan 2015 Friday 9 am to 1 pm, details at here ).  Author Andy Ferrari Norman defined Aggressive Selling to be ' Determined and Energetic Selling that Produces Quick and High Results '.  There are 9 ways to do aggressive selling: A ggressive Sales and Marketing , like the government's aggressive and non-stop bombastic commercials on TV and Radio in August to promote the Pioneer Generation scheme.  If you have deep pockets, you can expect good results bec...