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Showing posts with the label Change

How You Can Be a Toast for Change

Many people confided to me that business is getting tougher, cost of doing business and living continue to go up while business is stagnant or even declining.  Guess what is the answer I told them?  Good!  Let's make a toast for change. Insanity is defined as doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.  You need to make changes, and the following 7 changes that all employees must make if they too want to be successful: From Reactive to Creative , that is, no more waiting for things to happen and instead make things happen.  You can just start small, the important thing is to get going and the rest will follow From Routine to Surprise . You cannot go through the routine and expect customers to buy from you.  You need to make a surprise, like iPhone 6, which is actually bendable and won't break when you put it inside your pocket From Old Knowledge to New Knowledge . Everyone must acquire new knowledge everyday, and if y...

The Purpose of Training is Not What Most People Think

Mention the word training and most people would think of going back to school. Some will equate training to those long sessions into the nights where you would be challenged to do the impossible like cutting a cane with your neck.  There are some who think that training is for people who are not up to the par, high performers, they say, do not need training. Recently, most people know that training is a competitive tool to outsell your competition, for the government's PIC scheme gives 60% cash or 400% tax deduction for training. Yet we know deep inside use that the purpose of training is not the accumulation of knowledge and skills, but the use and application of such knowledge and skills to bring about change withi n us .  For when we change, then would our teamwork and organization change.  The teachings of trainers is to help us develop a good mindset so that we can think and act skilfully, not randomly.  Then the productivity and profits of the organizat...