As we know, power is the ability to act. When you behave in a powerful way, people will respect you and do what you say. There are 8 ways that we too can speak in a powerful manner: 1. When You Introduce Yourself , say, "Hi, my name is Andy Ng". Include your surname will make you sound professional and important 2. When you're asked a question that you don't know how to answer, never say, "I'm sorry I cannot answer your question". Say, "That's exactly the question I'm working to answer". 3. When people criticises you, instead of acting defensively, thank people sincerely for sharing their opinion with you, whether you agree with them or not 4. When you're asked to do something that you think is difficult , say, "Wow! That sounds challenging" 5. Learn to say no, but say it with gratitude and people will respect you more. For example, when you're asked to sponsor something, say, "Thanks for asking me....
by Andy Ng at (Sales & Management Training) Tel: 65-93672286 Email: